
X-Originating-IP: []
From: STEFANO CAGOL <stefanocagol@tin.it>
Organization: Artist - Video Installations
To: info@crushsite.it
Subject: cazz...
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 3:38:13 CET

Oggi sono impazzito per il "diario"...
ancora malato (sto da cani) sono uscito con super tempesta.. spendendo addirittura 23 dollari per scansionare 3 cazzate...

Today I went crazy for the “diary”...
still sick (I feel like shit) I went out in a great storm...
...managing to spend 23 dollars for the scansion of three commonplaces (cazzate)!


X-Originating-IP: []
From: STEFANO CAGOL <stefanocagol@tin.it>
Organization: Artist - Video Installations
To: sam.ple@tin.it
Subject: ....
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 7:24:13 CET

volevo dirvi qualche cosa....
ma forse la "febbre" me l'ha fatta dimenticare...

I wanted to say something...
..but maybe it was the fever that made me forget...