Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 01:50:06 +0100
... ieri sono stato ad una festa per l'inaugurazione di un amico (Julian LaVerdiere, sai quello del progetto delle Twin Towers di luce) al MOCA Museum of Conteporary Art, North Miami... immagini strafighe...
ma... mi si e' incasinata la Spy Pen digitale e ho perso tutto...
comunque ci saranno tante occasioni...
il tempo e' un po grigio...
ma e bello caldo
yesterday I participate to a party: it was the opening of a friend, Julian La Veridiere - the one who worked on the project for the commemoration of the Twin Towers, the light towers - and was held at the MOCA Museum of contemporary Art, North Miami... very cool images... BUT my digital Spy Pen had some problems and I lost all the shots.
however there will be other opportunities.....
the sky is grey...
and temperature nicely warm...
Julian LaVerdiere: http://www.creativetime.org
MOCA Museum - North Miami: http://www.mocanomi.com/